Something New On This Blog :)

P & K-2Penny Lane – 07/19/18

I have loved giraffes for a long time now but very recently have fallen in love with the giraffes at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

On June 4th, the zoo celebrated 200th birth in the history of their giraffe  herd.   They named her Penny Lane and though she has been struggling with issues with her legs for a while, she has a bunch of humans (zoo staff and her supporters) wrapped around her little hoof 🙂

For more information about her birth and her story since her birth can be found on the zoo’s Facebook page


So yesterday, I was up at the zoo with my parents and when we were in the giraffe barn we got to witness Miss Penny visiting a larger stall still located in the back of the barn for the first time since the  issues with her legs started.   That alone was a special sight to see for me just for what Penny means to me.

But even better than that her Dad, Khalid, the herd’s breeding male just happened to be in the large stall where the rest of the herd spend the night and days when the weather is bad, because he needed to be inside because of a training session going on with the elephants in a training yard adjacent to Khalid’s outdoor area.

So long story shorter :P….I realized that there was a chance to take the following pictures of Penny and Khalid in close proximity to each other.   Yes there were two gates and a hallway between them but they were “close enough” to each other that I could  get the pictures seen below.

If you would like a copy of either  picture for your personal use only, please feel free to leave me a comment below and I will see what I can do to get it to you.

P & K-3Khalid & Penny 07/19/18

P & K-1
Khalid & Penny 07/19/18

About Kelly D aka Dizneluver

Lover of God, Tait B, Disney, Haiti, Giraffe (wild and in zoos) Selling Usborne Books & More, Members of Military (esp US & Canada) and those who support them. I also enjoy all kinds of creative endeavors which include knitting, crochet, working on the computer, and working with people with disabilities.
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2 Responses to Something New On This Blog :)

  1. Terry Nadalet says:

    Awesome pictures. Thank you so much for sharing these

  2. Dianne Betzel says:

    I’d love these pictures! 😊

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